What is Asynchronous JavaScript?

In general Asynchronous JavaScript lets the code execute immediately without blocking. For the purpose of understanding this concept let us assume that we have two statements in sequential order in a code. While the first statement being executed, the second one will wait for it to finish. It is known as synchronous execution. On the other hand, if the …

Callback Functions in JavaScript

Basically, Callback Functions in JavaScript provide us a way to pass a function as a parameter to another function. In fact, callback functions are very useful in performing asynchronous operations and registering an event listener. Examples of Callback Functions in JavaScript As an illustration, the following is an example of a simple callback function that …

Arrow Functions in JavaScript

Basically, Arrow Functions in JavaScript provide us a way to simplify coding the user-defined functions. Further, they let us define anonymous functions. Since, arrow functions provide us a way to write shorter syntax, by including arrow functions in script single statement functions can be created fast and prevent unnecessaey coding. However, there are certain differences …

JavaScript Code Examples

The following section provides several JavaScript Code Examples. addEventListener() Sometimes we want to attach an event listener to an HTML element dynamically. For this purpose, we can use the addEventListener() method. Even, it is possible to attach an event listener to a paragraph or div element. See Example. appendChild() Basically, this method helps us to append a child …